Community & Social

Lions Club of Kuching Centennial
Sarawak Martial Art Taekwondo Association

Lions Club of Kuching Centennial


2017-2018: Charter Member

2018-2019: Service Director

2019-2020: Club Secretary

2020-2021: Club President

2021-2022: LCIF Coordinator

(Leo Club of SMK Limbang)
2007-2007: Regular Member
2007-2008: Club President

Being a formal Leo, I always keen to be part of the Lions community when working in Kuching. Lions Club allowed me to involve in charity works, developed my leadership skill, broaden my people connection, learn about the local community, and learn from an organisation system that is established internationally for more than a century.

FY2021-2022, MD308-A2, Region 1, Lions Clubs Joint Installation - Immediate Past President Speech

Presiding Officer, Zone 3 Chairperson Alexander Koh; Guest of Honor, District Governor, Lydia Lu Siew Fong; LCIF Area Leader, Past International Director, Datin Hajah Ellis Suriyati Binti Haji Omar; Multiple District 308 Council Chairperson, Tan Soh Har; Distinguish Lions; Fellow Lions; Leos; Ladies and Gentlemen

It is my honor to share a few words on behalf of my fellow Immediate Past Presidents that we have served hand-in-hand during Fiscal Year 2020-2021. Please allow me to begin by re-introduce them.

Bong Siaw Ern - Lions Club of Kuching Elite

Catherine Wong Hui Mei - Lions Club of Kuching Host

Chia Siaw Ling - Lions Club of Kuching Stampin-Pending

Connie Tan Lee Choo - Lions Club of Kuching Allamanda

Jason Lau Yew Soon - Lions Club of Kuching Emerald New Century

Jessie Voon - Lions Club of Kuching North

Judy Kho Poh Gek - Lions Club of Kuching Ixora

Kelly Hu - Lions Club of Kuching Metro

Lau Hui Sing - Lions Club of Kuching Kota Sentosa

Liaw Kheng Boon - Lions Club of Kuching Centennial

Poh Ben Ho - Lions Club of Kuching Hornbill

Pui Chay Fung - Lions Club of Serian

Roger Ting Zai Dean - Lions Club of Kuching City

Timothy Liew Ting Yong - Lions Club of Kuching Kota Samarahan

Together, we touched lives. The 14 Clubs have successfully carried out 864 service activities (more than 2 activities per day) over a total of 11940 volunteered hours (more than 32 hours per day) and served 58801 people (more than 161 people per day) during the Fiscal Year itself. Region 1 has also recorded a total of 55512 us dollars of funds donated and raised 63641 us dollars within the 12 months.

The achievement is simply fantastic but that that can’t be achieved by only 14 of us, we take this golden opportunity to express our appreciation to the Leadership of Immediate Past District Governor, Roland Chieng; Valuable Opinions from the Past International Director Datin Hajah Ellis Suriayi Binti Haji Omar, and Past District Governors. We are also glad to be able to work closely with the Cabinet Officers at the time such as, Region 1 Chairperson, Bernard Lee; Zone 1 Chairperson, Mary Lu; Zone 2 Chairperson, Jacqueline Sim; Zone 3 Chairperson, Chua Kheng Hian; Clubs; Members; Families; Friends; NGOs, and many more.

Together, we served despite challenges imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic which we have maneuvered through a thick mist of various

movement control orders, total lock down, restrictions, limitations, worries, hardship and the overall dispirit ambient. Nevertheless, the very enthusiastic Lions Spirit have greatly motivated Lions to carry out various activities especially those like fabricate and donate PPE, delivery of food and everyday items, virtual seminars, virtual training, virtual awareness programs, disaster response, humanitarian aids, and many more.

To conclude, Fiscal year 2020-2021 was a memorable and beautiful “past” tense fo 14 of us. Today, we are serving at different capacities,

Tomorrow, we will continue to serve with greater knowledge, experience, and wisdom. To the Presidents who will be installed very soon, we wish you a wonderful journey during your term, be creative, vocal, embrace collaboration, explore, discover and more importantly, Enjoy!

We serve alongside you, Presidents.

Sarawak Martial Art Taekwondo Association (SMATA)

2018: Committee Member
2019: Deputy President

When arrived at Kuching to begin my career, I was searching for a suitable martial art to learn, as Soobahkdo, a martial art that I previously practiced was not available in Kuching. At the same time, I was approached by a senior master who was in the midst of chartering a new taekwondo association at that time, to assist the committee in establishing the structure of the association.

1st Kuching National Taekwondo Championship (2018) - Organising Chairperson's Speech

1. Mr. Tan Kai, representative to Guest of Honour YB. Datuk Prof. Dr. Sim Kui Hian, Minister for Local Department and Housing.

2. Tuan Haji Mohd. Rashid Bin Mean, Ketua Penolong Pengarah, Bahagian Kokurikulum Dan Kesenian, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia.

3. Grandmaster Peter Kang, Vice President and Technical Administrative Board Chairman of MTA.

4. Master Eddie Tuan, Secretary-General of MTA.

5. Mr. Federick Tan, Director of Penang Sport Council

6. Puan Salina Bujang, Ketua Sektor Bahagian Kemanusian.

7. Master Liong Khin Fuk, Referee Board Chairman of MTA

8. Mr. Milton Foo, legal advisor for Sarawak Martial Art Taekwondo Association (SMATA).

9. Mr. Ng. Soon Tong & Mr. Chai Song Teck, representing Datuk Sri’ Ho of 38 Group, which is also our main sponsoring partner.

Dedicated Headmasters, Masters, Teachers, Team Coach, Team Manager, Players,

Parents, Event Assistants, Organizing Committees and fellow audiences.

On behalf of the Organizing Committees, we wish you are well. Welcome to the 1st Kuching National Taekwondo Championship, 2018, and its Opening Ceremony. I hope all of you, do enjoy the culture, food, places and people in Kuching & Sarawak. I would like to start with a brief introduction about Sarawak Martial Art Taekwondo Association (SMATA).

SMATA was founded on 29 August 2018 by a group of 10 including our Charted Chairman Master Yu Kok Li, a class 2 master instructor of Kukkiwon with near 3 decades of experience in practicing and teaching Taekwondo. With the support of near 200 students, we set up our Main Gym at Tabuan Tranquility 3, to deliver our main objective which is to promote an active martial art within an energetic and motivational atmosphere.

As a new club, we are ambitious. We are ambitious to encourage the existing Taekwondo community to communicate and share with each other, so that we are enabling creative and innovative ideas incorporating Yuk Sa (History), Jun Tong (Tradition), Chul Hak (Philosophies) and Ki Sool (Techniques) of Taekwondo.

We are ambitious to have our strongest and longest supporters which are the Parents of our students to be part of their training, joy and even during the time when they are upset. We are ambitious because, we often encourage ourselves to learn from previous experience, in order to jump 10 cm higher, 50 cm further, implementing philosophis of um and yang (yin &yang) in Hyungs, or even having a better self-discipline is also an excellent achievement.

The line in front of our foot is a starting line, therefore, we appreciate your warmest supports from all over Malaysia. Thank you very much from SMATA and the Organizing Committee, and please apology us for the shortfalls that you may have experienced in this Event.

We are striving to achieve vast improvement in our next championship. We hope to see our dear friends again in Year 2019. Please follow our facebook page to be informed with our latest updates. Again, thank you very much and have a pleasant stay in Kuching.

An interview on CityPlus FM, a local radio station to promote our coming event, PechaKucha (2019)

PechaKucha 源自於日本,在日文的意思是嘰嘰喳喳的熱鬧閒聊 但這個分享會說真的也不能只是隨意閒聊而已!Pecha Kucha200316年前創立當時,只是想提供年輕設計師們一個平台來展現自己天馬行空的想法、興趣、作品或其他的創意題材。如今全球已經有超過1000多個城市承辦PechaKucha Nights,包括:紐約、倫敦、上海、阿姆斯特丹、雪梨、舊金山、柏林、開普敦、香港等,當然,也包括馬來西亞的古晉!2015年,就有一群熱血建築師也開始籌辦了一場PechaKucha腦力聚會,今天我們就把兩位古晉Pecha Kucha的創辦人請上來跟我們聊聊,他們同時也是非常傑出的建築師,來自IDC 建築事務所的 Jeff和他的助手- 景文 !你們好!


第一屆PechaKuchaNight20032月在東京的多用途空間SuperDeluxe舉行, 創辦人Astrid Klein Mark Dytham of Klein Dythan Architecture当时,他们租下了这个空置的工厂。其中一个活动就是由他们自行举办以分享他们的设计作品。这两位建筑师就发现这是一个很好的平台和机会,让设计师们分享他们本身的作品或兴趣。这类的分享平台也从此得到了越来越多大众的欢迎,并且传播到世界每一个角落。








PechaKucha 没有约束任何的主题,所以来自四面八方的讲者可以呈现各种类别的内容,这包括画画、运动、设计、手艺、社区服务和等等。但是在每一届的PechaKucha,我们会尽力选择各种的主题,好让观众可以接触到不一样的内容,激发他们的创造力。同时也可以让更多人认识讲着和他们富有创造力的作品。


7.登上Pecha Kucha講台的講者,需要在他的領域裡面有什麼傑出的表現嗎?通常會具備什麼特質?比如:PPT高手?還是能言善道?有沒有什麼限制?

8.為什麼要規定 “20x20張圖片這樣的設計規格? 如果講者講超過20秒會被踢下台嗎?会的,他们会被赶下台。开玩笑的。我们觉得20X 20张图片是一种又简约,又有约束力的规格。它鼓励讲着在一个简单的构造里不多也不少的表达出讲着想要呈现的内容。








我们会找一些比较休閒、輕鬆的娛樂場所舉辦PechaKucha Night,就好象我们在2016年位于Kuching Wayang Street所建设完毕的The Granary Kitchen + Bar。观众不止可以观赏有趣的演讲,也可以享受美味的食物和饮料。



我第一次份参加的PechaKucha是在墨尔本位于Queen StreetBlue Diamond。那是一家很独特的屋顶酒吧,因为谁也想不到一个创作类型的演讲活动竟然可以在一边喝香槟、听音乐和享受夜景。看完之后,我感受到一股前所未有启发力。这股力量使我回到家时很想把所有的灵感画出来。


